Vedanta Live streaming Link

Vedanta YouTube Link

NEW   Swami Medhasanandaj visits India from 20th September to 29th October.

If you have any urgent matter, please contact the Vedanta Society of Japan,

at +81 046-873-0428

NEW  Sri Sri Kali Puja

Date: Thursday, 31st October

Time: 7 p.m. to 9-30 p.m.

Venue: Annexe Building 

Live Streaming from 7 p.m.

 *Prior reservation with full name until 25th October.

* Reservation mail address:

   No confirmation mail will be sent.

* Parking space will not be available.

   There is a coin parking nearby.




16th (Sun.): Monthly Retreat at Zushi

          ★Livestreaming  (Bi-lingual)


          Speaker: Swami Divyanathanandaj

          Theme: Introduction to Vedanta

31st  (Thur.): Kali Puja


            19:00 ~21:30



9th (Sat.): Bhagavad Gita  Study Clasat the Indian Embassy 

        Video Upload later

        10:30 ~12:00  (In Japanese only)

13th (Wed.): Monthly Upanishad Study Class

       ★Zoom Video Upload later

   8:30 ~10:00 (in Japanese only)

17th (Sun.): Monthly Retreat at Zushi

          ★Livestreaming  (Bi-lingual)


          Speaker: Swami Medhasanandaj

23rd (Sat.): Akhanda Japam

       5:00 ~20:00


26th (Tue.)Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Study 

         ★Zoom Video Upload later

         14:30 ~16:30 (in Japanese only)

Swami Vivekananda Birthday Celebration at the Indian Embassy

 NEW The Power of a Daily Schedule

The title of this booklet, namely, ‘The Power of Daily Schedule,’ is self-explanatory. It was initially penned in the form of a long article and issued in the Vedanta Kesari, a notable English Monthly of the Chennai Math. The article was widely dispersed among readers of diverse cross sections of the society, and most of them found it very beneficial in their lives. Encouraged by this favorable feedback we have now decided to publish it in the form of a book, so that it may be of value to a greater number of people.


Photo Gallery

 Click Hereto go to the Japanese page where you can click on the English tittle of the event you want to view.



Click here to go to YouTube.

Monthly Zushi Retreat: 3rd Sunday (Bilingual)


Video Gallery

Sri Ramakrishna Birthday Celebration 

AM Programme (Worship) Click

PM Programme (Discourse & Music) Click

Click here to go to YouTube.


Online Study Class on Zoom

Click here to go to the Japanese page 'Zoom'.

We have two classes,

1. Weekly Upanishad Class: Wednesday 8:30~9:30 (Japanese only)

2. Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Class: Tuesday 14:30~16:30  (Japanese only)


(Explanation in Japanese) 

Place : Embassy of India, Tokyo

Date : 1st Saturday of each month *Schedule

Time : from 10:30- 12:30

Please Contact: Link

Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna

Study classes  by Swami Medhasananda

(Explanation in Japanese) 

Place : Society's main building

Date :Tuesday of every month

Time : From 14:30 - 16:30

Note : If you take lunch before class please e-mail to Shanti (

at least 2 days before the class.

Please check the actual date of the class from Kyokai’s Home Page (Monthly schedule)

Please Contact:Link

Spiritual Q&A


Questions on the topics of Vedanta, God, Soul, Mind, Relationships, and more, collected from various sources, are answered by Swami Medhasananda of the Vedanta Society of Japan, a branch of the Ramakrishna Order.